Even as far back in time, as the turn of the last century,
Anjuna was an enchanting place. Nestled in a green valley, bordered
by a wide stretch of sandy beach and tall coconut palms swaying to
the gentle breezes of the Arabian Sea. This sleepy Konkan hamlet
within the district of Bardez, in Goa, was indeed a haven of peace.
It was still virgin - untouched! Its charm was a secret shared by
its inhabitants alone. For who else came to Anjuna then?
The port of
Chapora had for long been a vital maritime hub. In Muslim times it
was a gateway to the holy city of Mecca, and many ships were
anchored, repaired and even built there. To Chapora came Arab dhows
loaded with horses bound for the great market at Pernem, across the
creek. These noble steeds were in constant demand for supply to
cavalry regiments of the south.
ancient fortress of Chapora was most prominent, commanding the
mouth of the river, the entire bay and inland waterways. From
its height it towered over the beach of Vagator. Under the
Portuguese it became a powerful sentinel, a strategic border
outpost. But with their acquisition of what came to be termed
Novas Conquistas towards the end of the 18th century, this
fortress diminished in prestige. Still housed in it, however,
was a fragmented remanant of the Tercos Auxiliaris/
territorial army, recruited earlier in 1630 to defend the
coast from unwelcome incursions. |

Fortress of
Chapora | Much traffic still continued. And, moreover, while its
prestige as a military outpost declined, the fortress of Chapora
became better known as a major Customs check-post and a thriving
fishing-station. In 1860 a building in the vicinity, which had taken
three years to build, was completed and occupied as his residence by
the Portuguese Commandant. It served also as a sort of local
We are even told of a bastion having been installed in 1872,
with five canons directed at Morjim across the bay. But within
twenty years that bastion had been dismantled and the canons
disarmed. The fortress became just a paper tiger; for no longer did
any dangerous enemy lurk.
Already, with the entry of other Europeans into the Orient,
Portugal was shorn of the trade monopoly she had enjoyed. After
repeatedly encountering several military and naval reverses, her
maritime empire faced the threat of extinction. Economic conditions
in Goa, the capital, steadily deteriorated.
The authorities entered into the Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of
1878. This brought about far-reaching change - but not to their
economy! It opened the way to rail and steamship communication with
the hinterland via the port of Mormugao. However, since neither
dredging nor pilot facilities were undertaken to ensure the safe
entry of big steamships into the port of Chapora, it soon dwindled
even as a fishing-station.
But by no means was it idle. A major fall-out of the Treaty
was the incentive it gave to smuggling. A few enterprising people of
the village amassed fortunes during this heyday. In fact smuggling,
even in opium, became a major activity in Chapora.
A most lucrative trade connection with Daman was established
by one Caetano Diogenes Mascarenhas of Mazalvaddo, a ward of Anjuna.
Popularly known as "Caetano Coco", he exported coconuts, rice and
other local commodities from his vast ancestral property via the
port of Chapora. For services rendered during a famine, in 1900 the
Portuguese Government conferred on him the title of Visconde de
Daman. In 1892 Colaco de Souza, nicknamed "Conde", set up a thriving
saw-mill and wood depot near the Customs House. Another who
succeeded in the same line was Cyprian Valles of Vagator; he
despatched his goods out of Goa in pattimars, and down the river in
small catamarans.
Other celebrities
There were a few from Anjuna who were carving a niche in the
academic sphere. Brilliant as lawyers, in Goa, were Manoel Jose de
Abreu and Caetano Mariano Vaz; and in British India, Hermengildo
Marcus Antonio Drago. At the dawn of this century Dr. Manuel
Albuquerque distinguished himself in Zanzibar, and the gifted writer
Julio Marcelo Campos did likewise in Kenya.
There were of course several "barcars" or landed
proprietors: the families of da Gama Pinto, Mascarenhas, Abreo and
Rodrigues who dwelt in grand mansions spread out mostly in the
vicinity of the church. They lived in ease on the profits from the
produce of their vast estates, lording it over their less-fortunate
"mundkars" or tenants, who were largely under their
Michael's Church
far back in 1603, the church dedicated to the Archangel, was
located almost at the centre of the village and was indeed the
hub of its existence. Thus it enjoyed the status of the
village temple which it had replaced. |
To the
church was attached the residence of the parish priest, the
local cemetry, and the usual parish school where a smattering
of the three "R"s was imparted to Christian children along
with the rudiments of religion and music.
Affiliated to the church were a number of little
chapels scattered in the many "bairros" or wards of the
village. The oldest,dedicated to N.S. da Necessidade, dated
back to the 17th century like the church. Of the 18th century
were those of the invocation of N.S. de Saude in Mazalvaddo,
and of S.Antonio which lent its name to the lovely "prias" or
beach surrounding it. Of more recent vintage were those in
Grande Chinvar and Ganvaddi, whose patrons were N.S. da
Piedade and S.Joao. |

Church of St. Michael,
Anjuna | Schools
Barring the parish school and some classes of dogmatic
teaching, Anjuna like most other villages of Goa had no semblance of
a regular recognised institution for public learning until the last
decade of the century gone by. In 1889 the Escola Regia was
instituted in Anjuna with just 18 pupils. The following year it
initiated the Escola Primaria which grew in strength and flourished
until Liberation. Alongside it, several small nursery and primary
classes were conducted by private individuals in various sectors of
the village. A few of these elementary institutions evolved, during
this century, into the English-teaching High Schools of the village
Anjuna was divided for administrative purpose into 13
"bairros" or wards: Ganvaddi, Mazalvaddo, St.Miguel, Prias, Soranto,
Murmota, Rautovaddo, Gumalvaddo, Vagator, Chapora, Chinvar Grande,
Chinvar Pequeno, Kumbharvaddo.
Like most villages in the province, Anjuna was
self-sufficient. And from the earliest times, like its counterparts,
it had its specific habitats for occupational groups. At
the"shimner" or border converging on the neighbouring village of
Arpora was "foger vaddo" where dwelt the "porobs" who made
fire-crackers and explosives - a vital requisite at festivals! Not
far off was "sonar vaddo" - another slice of the village, inhabited
by the traditional "sonars" or goldsmiths who turned out exquisite
jewelry. Close by was "chamar vaddo", the home of the lowly cobbler
whose produce was of greater utility. The "khumbarvaddo" of Anjuna,
not far from the church, hugs the Assagao -Parra border. Here lived
the potters, creating from mud and clay the paraphenalia used in
worship, and kitchen utensils. In another direction away from the
church was "Maharvaddo" - comprising of a cluster of crude thatched
huts amidst the coconut groves near Tolleacho Band. These humble
squatters were basket-makers and also performed several heavy duties
for the church, including grave-digging - at a pittance.
Of course, professions not so closely related to the church
were based elsewhere. The "nistenkars" or fisherfolk lived close to
the sea, mainly at Cainsua. So too the "renders",toddy-tappers, who
performed their skills connected with the coconut palm. Others
worked the "gannhos" or oil-presses set at various
There was the "tinto" or local bazar at which vendors sold
their home produce. And besides, the "ghanttis",travelling carriers
from over the ghats, were a regular feature coming laden with
provisions for local consumption. They rested in certain shady
spots; and just like the local labourers they gratefully unloaded
their burdens leaning against the stone "duvarnes" provided for this
very purpose at regular intervals along the route to the bazars.
Like every other Goan village of that day, Anjuna had not a single
hotel, nor any hospital.
Movement at that time was largely by foot. There were only
mud-roads. The church and rich families used "machils" or
palanquins, borne on the shoulders of the "bhoia" or "mahar"
porters. There were also horse-drawn carriages of the local gentry.
Few could afford the rare luxury of engaging a "match-box", a
vehicle which lived up to its name in both size and shape and was
drawn by a pair of bullocks moving at a trot little faster than
walking. There was neither car nor bus in Anjuna until the twenties
of this century when Caetano Benedict Mascarenhas of Mazalvaddo
brought in a Chevrolet motor-car for his personal use.
Just so was the village set-up at the time when Pascoal de
Mello was born into it. |