Pascoal was always proud of the fact that he was a Goan. His
love for Goa was truly boundless. Each one of his children remember
that from the time they were very young he always spoke in the
fondest terms of Goa and repeatedly declared that some day he would
eventually retire there permanently.
During his days in Kenya he retained a strong link with the
Goan community. Both in Mombassa, and in Nairobi, Pascoal was a
member of the Goan Institute. But in Nairobi he also played an
active role in the working of the Goan Institute and the Nairobi
Goan School and served them in various capacities. He was part of a
dedicated band of Goans who were determined to do something tangible
for the community.
Chief among his associates were Mr. R. B. Gonsalves, Mr. J.
C. Jacques, Mr. T. F. Pereira, Mr. Christie D'Souza and Mr. J. G.
D'Souza. Together they were instrumental in shaping the future
course of a large segment of the Goan community in
There was more than one Goan club in the city. Membership to
these clubs was caste-oriented.
Having begun with a small group of Goan pioneers in 1899,
the Goan Institute of Nairobi has been described as the very first
Goan club in all Kenya! Its formal inception, however, dates from
1905. The year 1945 had witnessed the creation of the Kenya Goan
Sports Association - a brainchild of the Goan Institute! It provided
that much-needed shot in the arm to Goan clubs all over East Africa
to act as one in the promotion of sport by jointly participating in
friendly contests! This acted as the springboad for players to
launch into national and international sporting events, that ushered
in the golden era of Goan Sports in Kenya!
So when Pascoal came to reside in Nairobi in 1949, the old
building of the Institute, with its extentions made two years
previously, was too small for the enhanced membership and sport
activity. In 1955 sale of the Institute property at Duke Street
fetched a sum that enabled the construction of a grand new building
for the Institute in Juja road. Pascoal was on the Committee that
completed that sale.

Goans Overseas Association Council
Sitting:-- |
C.P. Carneiro, T. F. Pereira (Secretary), J. G. D'Souza
(Vice-President), Dr. A. C. L. de Sousa (President), L. A.
Braganza (Vice-President), R. B. Gonsalves (Treasurer), Hilary
D'Souza |
Standing:-- |
C. C. Ferrao, D. G. Remedios, J. F. D'Souza, J. C. J. Dias, P.
de Mello, C. F. C. Almeida, J. S. T. Ferrao, P. F. L.
Menezes |
He was also on
the Building Committee that was subsequently formed to take up the
construction of a new building for the club. The architects Bhalla
& Thakore were hired. Plans were drawn up for a very
sophisticated structure. It was to have a"sprung ballroom floor".
Various fund-raising drives were accordingly set in motion and the
target was achieved with the backing of the community. The outcome
of a lot of work and many late hours paid results; and in 1955 the
new club was inaugurated by the Portuguese Vice-Consul-General and
the Governor of Kenya, Sir Evelyn Baring. It was a proud moment for
the Goan community.
It should also be noted that, although the community
attached great importance to the promotion of sport and
entertainment, Pascoal tried his best to inculcate interest in
cultural pursuits. He was also at one time Educational Secretary of
the Club Committee. Some of his writings at the time reflect this
stand. Moreover, he personally helped to organise lectures, debates
and discussions on a variety of topics in the club.
He felt very strongly about the need to maintain high
standards of education and took on the responsibility, serving on
the Board of Governors of the Dr. Ribeiro Goan High School. In his
time he was closely associated with that stalwart of the Goan
community, Dr. Souza. Pascoal was at one stage elected
Vice-President of the Goan Overseas Association.
In 1958 Pascoal was elected President of the Goan Institute
of Nairobi and till today his name features among other illustrious
leaders listed in the Club's Roll of Honour. It was in this capacity
that he had the distinction of being presented to the Queen Mother
when she visited the colony.

Mr. Pascoal de Mello, President, Nairobi Goan Institue,
Stan remembers the soul-stirring speeches made by his father
during his tenure as President. He was a gifted speaker but took
pains to prepare his speeches. All decked out in his very impressive
black dinner jacket, bow tie, and fine patent leather shoes, he was
eloquent whether he spoke in English or Konkani, his mother tongue.
More often, in order to drive home a point he would crack a joke or
break into the homely untranslatable Konkani idiom. With his facile
pen Pascoal dealt with many a burning issue of the day, addressing
his fellow countrymen through the "Goan Voice" - a newspaper of the
community. Ever ready to lend a helping hand even to complete
strangers, he was always there to receive the stream of grateful
Goans dropping by his bungalow to pay their respects , to thank him
for favours granted, to seek his advice on a problem, or to "consult
Pascoal" before making an important decision. With each passing year
he came to be appreciated and respected all the more.

The Goan Institute, Nairobi

Pascoal and
Esmeralda and the Goan Institute Executive host a reception for
the Kenya Portuguese Consul General, Mr. Garcia and his
wife. |