amidst tall shady trees and green foliage, Anjuna had its few great
mansions of the rich and powerful, several villas and a few
cottages. But these belonged to the priveleged few. There also
existed some arid spaces and wild open tracts. The workers who
cultivated the soil for others but owned no land were permitted to
settle here.
One of
these clearings came to be known in time as de Mello vaddo. On a
slight elevation, it lay ensconsed between the chapel of lovely
Prias de S. Antonio and what is today known as Anjuna
Abreo family of Soranto was one of the big "barcars" of Anjuna. It
is reputed that this family brought in, from another area, a large
number of people - probably comprising one entire de Mello clan.
They might have been in some other part of the village where the
going was not so good for them. Perhaps there existed some threat:
of pestilence, drought or famine, that set off such a mass
migration. The straggling group was installed in this reserve and
soon turned it into a colony of crude makeshift shelters in return
for which they laboured on the lands of the Abreo family.
Incidentally, it has been a cause for pride that, in Goa
right until 1961 every Goan, however, humble his condition, was
assured of a roof over his head. No one needed to sleep under the
stars - unless he chose to.
inhabitants of de Mello vaddo were poor; they worked with their
hands: some in the fields, others doing odd jobs for the "barcar",
some were fishermen. Luis de Mello was one of this clan. He married
a girl from neighbouring Pedem, another ward of Anjuna. She was
Natalina De Souza Gorvel, daughter of Francisco de Souza and Anna
Severina de Souza. Luis and his wife Natalina struggled to eke out
an existence, but they made it as good a life as they could, for on
the whole it was quite peaceful.
was respected on his home-ground. He did masonry work for the
"barcar", but his first love was the sea. He loved to fish. In fact,
there is a big sharp rock on Anjuna beach - only acessible at
low-tide - which old-timers still refer to as "Luis De Mellacho
ghoono"; named after him because it used to be the perch from where
he tossed his line or net to catch the fish in the deep blue waves
that lashed below him.
were the fish that he ensnared and, maybe, took home to
waters of the bay have made Anjuna famous for its wealth of
sea-food, particularly "shinanios" - in their big dark-green shells.
Did he sometimes collect these, or crabs, oysters and smaller
mussels, and other shell-fish that clung to the rocky
great prize was always the "addo", a particular type of rock fish -
extremely tasty! It was to be found on moonlit nights. Among the
smaller rock fish were the more frequently netted "cumani" - a
colourful green fish with red stripes, and the "congo" - a flatter
species, silver flecked with black vertical stripes. There was ,of
course, a variety of fish abounding in the water -
"bhangra"/mackarel, "tharle"/sardine, "pilo"/small shark, "lepo"/
electric fish and a host of smaller fry. |