a fortnight after their wedding-day the threat of war in Europe,
which had been lurking for quite some time suddenly became a grim
reality with Hitler's invasion of Poland. This did not
deter our young couple. When it was time for Pascoal to return to
Kenya, he set out sailing in a P&O British India (B.I.) steamer
with Esmeralda at his side.Even at this early phase in the conflict
air-raid precautions were being taken. And when they disembarked at
Mombasa, the port city was observing heavy black-out. As they moved
to Nairobi, hearing the war being so heatedly discussed, the fear
seemed to loom heavily like an ominous cloud over them.
But they had to move on. By train they travelled
together to Kisumu, and then went further to take up the new
posting in Eldoret. It seemed like the middle of nowhere - the
threat of war receded.
They spent the first two years of their married life
in the country-side town of Rumuruti, an administrative
outpost about 150 miles northwest of the capital Nairobi.It
was a very lonely spot, inhabited by the Kikuyu tribes and a
few Goan families.
Pascoal's place of work was the District
Commissioner's Office - just a simple wooden structure with a
corrugated iron roof. Very conveniently the Government
quarters were situated directly opposite the office. Their
immediate neighbours were the Noronhas. |

Newly married couple (extreme right) in
Eldoret | Assumption
Esmeralda soon discovered that she was pregnant. There was
no doctor to confirm that; however, she managed quite well seeking
Mrs. Noronha's advice. It was considered advisable for her to go to
the neighbouring town of Nakuru, which was somewhat better developed
and could at least offer some medical facilities. One month in
advance of the birth she left Rumuruti.
Nakuru Esmeralda was the guest of another Goan couple: R.R. De Souza
and his wife. They had no children but did their best to make
arrangements for her delivery. When her time came, an Indian doctor
and a local nurse attended her. It was a normal birth...... on 15
August 1940 a son was born to Esmeralda and Pascoal. Both were so
delighted, particularly at the auspicious date - the feast day of
the Assumption of Our Lady! So the baby boy was promptly given the
name Assumption Joseph. Although there were no problems at his
birth, the little one caught pneumonia and some intestinal infection
which nearly cost him his life. A German physician, who had settled
in the area for several years, was brought in for consultation.
Apparently he felt the outlook was grave; the baby was restless and
kept twitching. Fearing the worst, he merely administered an
injection and declared that was all he could do; they would have to
leave the rest to Fate. He went away leaving the two young parents
utterly distraught.
their plight, one of their friends, a plucky young bachelor Stanley
Carasco offered to try an old home remedy. There was nothing to lose
- the child seemed on the very brink. But there was no point in
giving up hope altogether. He got some linseed and ground it
coarsely, boiled it well until the oil surfaced, spread it out on a
piece of cloth, and while that poultice was still warm, he wrapped
it round the baby's chest.
he stated:"Now we have placed him in the hands of the
baby slept very soundly. Next morning when the doctor returned he
was absolutely amazed to see the little one cheerful, playfully
stretching out his limbs. "This is not my doing - it is a miracle!"
- he joyfully exclaimed.
returned to Rumuruti with their "Morgad"/Beloved. It was sheer
delight watching their very own darling little "Sanoo" grow with
each passing day. Assumption was far too big a name for everyday
then, before long, Esmeralda found herself pregnant once more. This
time she decided she would go home to have the baby. Pascoal could
not be relieved to accompany her. The war was still raging but
bravely she travelled alone by sea with her little son and returned
home safely to de Mello Vaddo.
On 5th
January 1942 Pascoal's father Caetano breathed his last. He was
interred the same day in the cemetry of Anjuna. He was 68 at the
life goes on..... fifteen days before he was expected, on 24th
January 1942, the second son of Pascoal and Esmeralda was born in
the nursing home of Dr.Antonio Rosario at Porvorim, another village
of Bardez. The baby was given the name Timothy. Esmeralda stayed on
in Goa with her two infants for the next three years in the company
of her mother-in-law. |